Monday, August 30, 2010

Hatch year birds

During August ten new birds were banded and seven were hatched this year (hatch years). This high proportion may mean: a) the adults are better at avoiding nets, or b) this patch of land is attractive to dispersing hatch year birds, or c) the birds were attracted to the sunflower seeds. I put a feeder back up mid-August and a flock of chickadees, titmice and brown-headed nuthatches come by regularly. However the carolina wrens, white-eyed vireos, eastern towhee, and red-bellied woodpecker are not sunflower feeder visitors so c is not supported for the majority.

At this time of year birds are molting as well. So while the numbers banded are small I am increasing my knowledge of molt and thus ability to better age birds.

Molt in hatch year female Northern cardinal.

Even barring in hatch year Carolina Wren.

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