Sunday, March 1, 2009

Chesapeake Bay-Bridge Tunnel

The Carolina Bird Club trip on the Chesapeake Bay-Bridge Tunnel was a success despite the weather forecasts. When I looked at the forecasts of rain, wind and low temperatures for Saturday I considered not going. It's a long drive to be miserable and not see birds. I went and the trip was worth it. The rain held off for most of the morning.

Brant was probably a LIFER for me. Long-tailed duck I've seen perhaps once or twice before. There were small flocks at CBBT and plumage details were clear. Despite the overcast sky and heaving seas birds were clear in scopes. People who've been on the bridge islands often said the birds were further away than usual ... probably because of the heaving seas.

The Surf and Black Scoters in breeding plumage were impressive. I've only seen them in winter plumage before.

A bonus were seals. Our police escort alerted us to their presence. The seals are wary of humans. I watched one individual floating on its back as if it was a balmy day ... perhaps from the animal's point of view it was.

Our birding on the Eastern Shore was limited as the rain kept most birds under cover.

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