Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wrens and ovenbirds

MAPS Period 3 report
Northern Cardinals were noticeable by their absence today. Instead Carolina Wrens were vocal and two hatch years were banded. As these fledglings were caught in the same net within an hour of each other I suspect that the birds are siblings.

The other story of the morning was two Ovenbird recaptures. The bird described below was banded in 2009 as a ASY. The second bird was banded as a ASY on June 12, 2010. With this level of site fidelity I do hope the birds are fledging young successfully and that those young survive to migrate. This forest habitat is fragmented by dwellings. The answer to this question is one that MAPS data analysts may become able to answer.

Reading a research study about site fidelity is just not the same as holding a living example in your hand. The photo above was taken on May 31, 2010. That was the second year that this particular male Ovenbird (CP) went into a mist net. Today the same bird was recaptured. The original banding was on May 24, 2009. The bird was sexed as a male each time.

Wing in 2010.

Wing in 2011.

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