Friday, February 11, 2011

Eight species

There was a hard frost this morning so I switched banding to the afternoon. Most of the birds caught are coming for the food at the feeders. As a result I have data on birds that are year round residents. Also I'm building up a data set on white-throated sparrows. Some of the sparrows are returning each winter. My long-term goal is to compare data for this locale with the results of WTSP studies elsewhere and to check for any mini-migration movement during the winter season.

SPECIES BANDED February 11, 2011
*American goldfinch 2
*Brown thrasher 1
*Carolina chickadee 1
*Carolina wren 1
*Chipping sparrow 1
*Purple finch 1
*Yellow rumped warbler 1
*White th sparrow 2

* new species for 2011

Two recaptures: WTSP and TUTI.

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